
Category : Reflections

Striving to do good

A couple of weeks ago, I visited the happiest country in the world, Finland, to participate at a conference about Särkänniemi’s future and expansion plans.  Särkänniemi is – apart from being a really lovely park in a really lovely city – together with Liseberg one of just a handful of municipally owned parks in the world.

Price is what you pay, value is what you get

And yes. This is a quote I have stolen from Warren Buffet. For me, this quote is constant reminder that we always have to look at our products and services from our guests perspective. And our guests will only continue buying these, if they believe that the value they receive, are greater than the price they are paying.

Quantity vs. Quality

Welcome to 2019! New year. New opportunities. For us at Liseberg, it also means that we have wrapped up 2018. And our fiscal year. It’s a time for taking stock. And closing down all weather apps, at last for a while.


Thursday evening. Crisp and cold, clear and beautiful. Walking through a Christmas-decorated Liseberg, with millions of lights and thousands of people. I watch a few minutes of the ice show, before I head out the main entrance.


IAAPA Chairmanship, check. Gavel is handed over to my successor, David Rosenberg. And I am now going to be history and fade into the oblivion of the IAAPA records. Sitting here, on the plane back to Copenhagen, it is a bit of a bittersweet feeling. On one hand I am incredibly tired, and look forward to gearing down, spending more times with my Liseberg colleagues, and focusing on one, instead of many, things. On the other, I am going to […]


This year, Liseberg turned 95 years old. A considerable age for sure, but still young compared to TIVOLI in Copenhagen, which is celebrating its 175th birthday. Both parks were originally built as temporary structures, not meant to last more than a few months. Instead, they have both stood the test of time and grown and evolved, becoming strong and more vibrant than ever.

The People Factor

I am a nerd. A theme park nerd. Proud and unapologetic. Like most enthusiasts, my fascination was sparked in relative isolation. Up until my early 20’, I really thought I was the only person in the world with this strange hobby. It was not until the emergence of the internet in the mid-nineties, I realized I was not alone. And this newfound world filled with theme park statistics, technical details and pictures took my interest to a whole new level.

Decision making in the 21st century

A few years ago, we bought land to begin an expansion at Liseberg. The park is landlocked, located in the middle of the city, so the development of this last available land, adjacent to the park, is crucial for the future of the company. There was no room for mistakes.

Stronger together

EAS 2018, check. Biggest show floor, check. Best attended EAS ever, check check! We have indeed come a long way. 17 years ago, in 2001 I travelled to Paris to attend the first ever Euro Amusement Show. I worked at TIVOLI in Copenhagen back then and told my boss I “had” to go to this “really” important industry event. It was in January. It was cold. We were in a tent. It rained. A lot. Inside the tent. But despite […]

Click Click Click

It’s Sunday afternoon. I’m doing my weekly shopping, sending a list to the grocery store, buying dog food (lots of it). Finally printing the label to return that sweater, that may have been a little … optimistic … from a size perspective.